The third workshop of the Ruin Academy is approaching. This time in the focus will be the relationship of the City and the River. The workshop will be a field study providing us data for the future Visionary Plan of the Taipei River Urbanism, when the industrial city will meet the river again.
A cross-disciplinary research group from Aalto University Sustainable Global Technologies – center will operate with the Ruin Academy 18. – 27.3. and then continue their work in Finland. The SGT would appreciate all possible assistance from Taipei Basin citizens (city + county) with their memories, wishes, dreams and fears about water and the river nature.
Tamkang University Department of Architecture master students with Professor Chen Cheng-Chen will join the Aalto University students to combine a larger task force for the River Urbanism research and design.
The workshop will be open for Ruin Academy operators and others who feel the cause of the River + City to be worth a personal contribution. This can mean many things: photographs, interviews, poetry, sociological insights, an introduction of a wise grandmother or a dip in the river Mao style.
Data collected during the workshop and afterwards will be edited as a part of the next issue of the Anarchist Gardener, the Ruin Academy’s independent newspaper.
The workshop and research is backed up by the Taipei City Government Department of Urban Development and JUT Foundation for Arts & Architecture. The Aalto University’s SGT Centre is connected with the United Nations UN-HABITAT for which the Ruin Academy research and visionary plan will report as a case-study of Urban River Restoration and River Urbanism.
SGT Operators:
Andreas Svarvar / Civil and Environmental Engineering
Boris Fargeot / Civil Engineering
Emmi Jääskeläinen / Architecture and Urban Design
Ha Hoang / Energy Technology
Lauri Ahopelto / Civil and Environmental Engineering
Frank Chen / Architecture
Yu-Chen Chiu / Architecture
Yi-Ling Hung / Curator - JUT Foundation
Nikita Wu / Gardener - Ruin Academy
Marco Casagrande / Principal - Ruin Academy

廢墟建築學院第三回工作營TAIPEI RIVER URBANISM 台北都市河流學
芬蘭阿爾托大學(Aalto University)全球可持續性能源科技中心(Sustainable Global Technologies – center, SGT )跨領域及學科的專家們,於3月18日至27日間進駐廢墟建築學院,並將把資料帶回芬蘭繼續進一步分析專研。SGT的成員將深入調研台北盆地居民們對河流 和水岸自然的記憶、期望、夢想與憂懼。
本工作營忠泰建築藝術文化基金會共同策劃,北市府都發局資料協力。阿爾托大學(Aalto University)全球可持續性能源科技中心(Sustainable Global Technologies – center, SGT )及聯合國人居署( United Nations UN-HABITAT)和廢墟建築學院協同合作以城市河道復育整治(Urban River Restoration) 與都市河流學( River Urbanism)之專案研究計劃。
SGT 成員:
Andreas Svarvar / Civil and Environmental Engineering
Boris Fargeot / Civil Engineering
Emmi Jääskeläinen / Architecture and Urban Design
Ha Hoang / Energy Technology
Lauri Ahopelto / Civil and Environmental Engineering
陳右昇 Architecture
邱郁晨 Architecture
洪宜玲 策展統籌 | 忠泰建築文化藝術基金會
巫祈麟 廢墟建築學院園丁
Marco Casagrande 廢墟建築學院主持
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