Published in the MAJA Estonian architectural review 3-2015
Finnish architect and environmental artist Marco Casagrande participated in Tallinn Architecture Biennale with his experimental project "Paracity". A few months before the biennale he had a conversation with the chairman of Estonian Centre of Architecture Raul Järg.
At first I would like
to ask you about the beginning of your career. You said that the architect
inside you committed hara-kiri. How did you become an environmental artist?
During my studies I had built so much belief in architecture that I somehow
could not separate the idea of architecture and the architect. I saw them as
one thing. When we set up the office and started working with clients, I
thought that everybody would have the same idea about architecture – how great
architecture is and how much it has to offer. I thought that the client would
be totally aware of this and that they would come to have an architect help them
with the processes so that these ideas could become true. But it was not like
that at all. The clients were used to thinking that the architect is a tool,
the guy who gets the permission, who makes the city allow them to do what they
want to do. But that has nothing to do with architecture. They call it development,
but usually it’s a kind of building pollution. Architects work together with
money and so this bad development happens. And we were part of that. I started
feeling sick of betraying my own dreams and beliefs so fast that in half a year
I had become everything I always hated and then I wanted to kill this person.
How did you do it?
Now looking back it seems that I never lost my belief in architecture
but only in the architect. Together with my friend Sami Rintala, with whom I
was working at that time, we decided that we will do it in a very graceful way,
honoring the big idea of architecture. In Japan this kind of suicide is called
hara-kiri. So we tried to commit architectural hara-kiri. We put the little
money that we owned into one project and decided that in this case there will
be nobody else telling us what to do. We had to be the client to ourselves, make
the design, get the permission and build it. Step by step we completed our
first big architectural scale landscape installation in Savonlinna. It is
amazing how much people believed in us. The construction workers were our
friends; they volunteered to come in for weeks. The city gave permission immediately.
There was no business, no speculations – people just helped us. It touched them
and that was a big surprise for us. Then we did this big work and actually
burnt it at the end – which was the hara-kiri. I guess some sort of honesty was
so much around that this started our career.
Land(e)scape by Casagrande & Rintala, Savonlinna, Finland 1999 |
You started to get
invitations from different places.
Yes, and from places we were not even aware of. And that there were other
layers in the architectural world, like biennales, magazines, some organizations
that were actually working with the core of architecture. And it is pretty much
the same idea we had in university.
You have done very
different kinds of projects and art projects. What would you like to bring out
I have done maybe about 70 projects since 1999. Many of them are just opportunities
that arose somewhere. Most of the cases are not financed. Those aren’t commissions
in a sense that you are invited, how many square meters are needed, what is the
budget and time-frame. They are more like opportunities where something good can
be done. Sometimes I see an opportunity and have to find a client for myself –
make someone else see this opportunity. Sometimes it’s like a Trojan horse – I’m
doing something for the client, who is maybe even paying for it and getting
what he wants, but besides that I’m doing something else too and that’s the
real work. Sometimes the strategy works two ways. If the city doesn’t want to
risk too much and commission me to do the real work, they ask me to do
something else. And they know that I’m doing the "real" work too. If
it becomes politically too risky for them, they will talk about only the work
that they commissioned. But when the "real" work becomes good, they
focus on it. Like in Treasure Hill.
Can you tell me some more
about this project?
With Treasure Hill, I realized how windy the power structures are. Reality
is total and it cannot be speculated. But when you deal with fictional power,
it is always based on speculations. The city government had started destroying
Treasure Hill, but when we started the counteraction and gained so much
publicity that it started to gain political momentum, the same politicians
changed completely. They saw that they can use it for their own good. If at the
beginning they were 100% against Treasure Hill and wanted to destroy it, then
after 3 weeks they forgot this completely. Before I used to think that destruction
and construction are on opposite sides of an axis, but it’s more like a circle
that is made up of both destruction and construction.
Treasure Hill in Taipei |
Was the name of the
place also Treasure Hill before?
Yes, it was Treasure Hill. It used to be an anti-aircraft position for
the Japanese army. After WW II, when Kuomintang was retreating from
mainland China to Taiwan, they took over the Japanese army positions and
Treasure Hill was one of those. When Kuomintang’s soldiers came to Treasure
Hill there had already been civil war in China for 25 years. It’s a very long
time. Then they came there, put up their anti-aircraft guns and were waiting
for the Maoist planes from mainland China that never came. So it was boring.
Then they started to find wives in Taiwan, got married and had children. The wives
started complaining that living in the bunkers was ridiculous. So they started
to decorate the bunkers and build houses on top of the bunkers. They became
homes and when at some point Kuomintang said that Treasure Hill had lost its
strategic value and they must move somewhere else, the soldiers refused. Treasure
Hill became a slum, an unofficial settlement of soldiers and their families.
Fast constructed steps in Treasure Hill, Marco Casagrande - Hsieh Ying-Chun, 2003. |
At one point the officials
wanted to demolish the site.
Yes, in 2002 they started the demolition and in 2003 I was in Taiwan and
started to stop it.
At the end of the day
it became like a tourist attraction.
Yes, that’s a shame. I had a very idealistic view of it. The Treasure
Hill community was old – 80 year-old war veterans. On one hand, it was a wonderful
3-dimensional settlement without any cars. But actually it needed quite a lot
of physical effort to use it – carrying the water to the hill and the garbage
down. There were many empty houses because people moved away or died. So I
thought that for the continuity of Treasure Hill and this very nice community
way of living they need a new plan. The empty houses can be used by students or
artists and they don’t have to pay rent but instead serve the old people. That
was the idea. When they started moving in, it turned out different. They got so
much attention, because great artists were there. The focus shifted from
Treasure Hill’s original community to the new community. It gave a totally new
vibe to the place and in the eyes of the official city it was so sexy so they
changed step-by-step the whole of Treasure Hill into a place for artists. And
then the original community died.
But maybe it gave new
life to it anyway?
Yeah, the officials probably think of it that way. And it is true that
the old community was so old that they died naturally. But the continuity
became something different, now it’s fully artistic.
It’s not only this
place where artists have taken over.
Yeah, it’s kind of a normal thing to happen, I guess.
Community garden in Treasure Hill. |
Let’s talk about your
recent idea – Paracity. Tell me the story behind it.
Paracity was born because of Treasure Hill. After Treasure Hill I got a professorship
in Taiwan for 5 years, and then I was researching all kinds of settlements and
local knowledge and getting deeper into that. The city government and the JUT developers at some point asked me to think
about the potential for building floodplains on the Taipei river systems. When
typhoons are coming the rivers rise a lot. There is a lot of land that is not
developed. And on the other hand, the city is totally disconnected from the
river environment. They wanted me to think about structures that could both
develop these river bank areas and floodplains in an ecological way but also
reconnect the city with the river. It was kind of no man’s land we were
operating with: an island – 1 km long and 300 metres wide – that always disappears
when the river is flooded so there are no houses. The city wanted us to make an
urban structure there for 15,000 to 25,000 people. From the beginning I wanted
to do a modular platform for people to actually build their own homes. In
Taiwan there is a really high number of illegal buildings and illegal building
extensions. People take it for granted that if they get an apartment house and
it’s 5 floors, for sure they can build 2 floors more just by themselves. The
facades become humorous. So it’s always been. It’s the same thing with the unofficial
communities, they are fantastic – totally self-built and self-organized. So I
thought that I wouldn’t even try to do a city that is ready or totally
controlled. Like in Treasure Hill, people will come and start building their
homes, and communities will start coming organically.
Paracity at the Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2015. |
The idea was very simple – we need to develop the primary structure of
the city, kind of a scaffolding, where people can attach their communities. At
the beginning I was thinking of steel because I admire the high-rise buildings
in Taiwan when they are under construction: steel frames look really good and
full of potential, but when the building is ready, it gets boring. Later I
found out about this material CLT – cross laminated timber, and I got really
interested in that because it would be ever more ecological if we could take
this kind of wood from the Northern forest. In 2014 they opened the first CLT
factory in Finland, so now we can get the material there. Now Paracity is a
wooden structure. The dimensions of each module is 6x6x6 m and then put cubes
on top of each other to make a village or a city. The wood element is 50 cm
thick, which means it burns slowly. The charcoal surfaces take such a long time
for the wood to burn so that it’s more or less fireproof and it has also excellent
earthquake performance.
Ruin Academy in Taipei |
In what phase are you
with this project?
I hope it’s going to be built. Taipei is the first case study and we
start building earliest in 2016. Another interesting pile of projects has come
from North Fukushima in Japan. I’m going there to see three different sites
they are considering a Paracity to be built in the tsunami area. Then there are
other calls from Jakarta, Rio de Janeiro and interestingly from Pakistan. But
nothing is built yet. One to one scale we have already built one module in
Finland to test how fast it is going to come together and that the wooden
joints are working and so on. In Tallinn we are doing 15 modules. It will be the
first in the biennale to serve the Paracity idea, but it will certainly have an
afterlife, become a permanent structure for something.
So it’s a kind of
platform for people to construct their own houses on.
My ideal is for it to become a slum but in a way that it’s both
ecologically okay and healthy. To make that happen we have to put some environmental
technology inside. Paracity becomes "positive cancer" in the city –
receives the leftovers from the city, treat them and turn them into resources.
Just what slums are actually doing right now. But we make it more efficient and
for that the environmental technology is needed. We are just copying how the
unofficial settlements are already living or how slums live in symbiosis with
the city.
I studied for quite a long time a chain of slums with 700,000 people in
Mumbai, settled along the river. There the waste that can be treated, turned
into resources, but all the rest gets dumped into the river. Then they wait for
the monsoon and it becomes like flushing the toilet of the city. But in Paracity
we don’t have to flush the toilet.
Nikita sleeping at Ruin Academy. |
Those concepts are
more for cities in the East, or can they also be used for Northern or Western
These concepts can also apply to Western cities. When you think of the
method of Paracity, it is like urban acupuncture. Even in the West cities are a
source of pollution. Small-scale interventions could also start affecting the
cumulative development in Western cities. The biggest environmental questions
are still in regard to emerging cities. In the West, the urbanization has already
happened, but if you look at other places this is on a scale that it has never existed
before. So Paracity could live together with the emerging city and act as the
buffer zone.
Vegetable garden, Ruin Academy |
This concept is connected
with your idea of third generation cities.
I have made it very simple in my thinking. A first generation city is
totally based on nature. A second generation city is an industrial city. A third
generation city would be kind of a ruin of the industrial city. Identifying how
an industrial city can become an organic machine. Ruin for me is when something
manmade has become part of nature. In architecture it happens actually quite
easily if you lose enough human control. On an urban scale the question is even
more interesting. Paracity is kind of a method for ruining the industrial city.
I would like it to grow into an industrial city from these acupuncture points
and then start ruining the industrial city. And when this nowadays industrial core
and these new organic layers find a certain balance, that is the third
generation city.
Is that why you named
one of your projects Ruin academy?
In Tamkang University I was studying the phenomenon of ruins and doing
research on how nature is reading architecture. Then it just opened up more and
more. Taiwan is easy because nature is so fast. There are trees that are
growing on steps. Nature uses the man-made structures. I felt that I would like
to move into a ruin and live there for a longer time, in order to have time to
adjust my needs. So I informed the Tamkang University professor Chen who is the
dean of the architectural department. We went to meet Mister Lee, who owns a
small place half an hour from the university. There’s a river valley and rice
farming. They had clean water coming from the mountains so they could make tea,
a tea factory. But at one point it had burned so there was no roof, just the
ruins. Also the rice factory was ruined.
Ground floor, Ruin Academy |
I chose the rice factory, the tea factory I left for the students. So I
didn’t go to the school any more but the students came there. First I had to decide
where I can put my bed, but since there was no roof, I had to make it. And when
I was building the roof I saw that below me there was a plant and it was
growing there because there was no roof. So I fixed not all the roof, but kept
a hole for the plant. Soon I took my wife Nikita there and then we stayed there
for a couple of nights and finally she moved in too. Then I had to make ways to
clean ourselves – there is a small river, so I can have cold water, but how to make
hot water? How to make food? Like a civilization. It was of course very primitive
but we stayed there. It was functional. I made the students live in the tea
factory, not always, but they had to make shelters for themselves.
Penetrations, Ruin Academy |
How long did you stay
in the ruins?
One year, maybe a bit more.
In many cases rumors are powerful. The whole valley knew what I was
doing. The rumors spread along the river so that one farmer from upstream came
to me and said that we know why you are here and what you’re doing, so can you
design us the house – we want to live in the ruin too. And I designed them the
Chen house. It’s a designed ruin. After the Chen house one developer asked if I
know some ruins in Taipei city and step by step it became a Ruin Academy.
I remember you once
described the house as a boat.
Yes, the Chen House was also like that. It is like you have a site and
it’s not just putting the building there but you somehow have to sail the
building. You have to know where the big winds are coming from and how it’s
changing. Also you find some natural shelters. So you consider these natural
conditions and you sail this ship to the harbor.
Chen House at the Datun Mountains of Taiwan |
In the beginning you
talked about how you wanted to kill the architect, but the architect inside you
is now reborn, you are getting commissions and real projects. So did you make
the space around you, so the issues that bothered you before, are actual now?
No, they are not addressed so much any more. I’m getting a little bit
freer. More and more people are starting to make apartment buildings out of
wood. If I were making them out of concrete it would be a different story. Now
everything out of the forest comes into the city.
You are working on "real"
projects again.
Yes, we are doing quite large-scale CLT wooden apartment buildings in
Bathroom, Chen House |
There are not many
environmental artists in Finland.
No, but I think that architecture is an environmental art.
Let's finish the talk
with another project. Did the Sandworm work come after the Ruin Academy? How did
this idea come to your mind?
In 2009 I was working in Shenzhen with a project called Bug Dome. There I
built a similar kind of structure out of bamboo. The migrating workers came
from Guanxi province and I was asking them about their local knowledge. They
said that they can do anything out of bamboo. You need just bamboo, water and
fire. Then I improvised this building called Bug Dome. It’s very similar to the
later one. Then I got an invitation from Belgium and I went to the site and I
found that they are using willow a lot. Willow structures for canals are their
local knowledge. Then I turned it upside down – used it above the ground.
It was a nice story,
how people started to use it in different ways.
Yes, that is also something that quite often happens. You say form
follows function. But I didn’t want to follow any function. The dunes are
always the same shape because of the wind, so there already existed an
architecture. This was actually just copying one dune.
But people afterwards
find the function.
Yes, they called it the 'willow cathedral'. Some people got married
there, kids were playing, there were a lot of picnics – like they would use the
beach anyhow. It was not an interior or exterior space, but just a space. It
was still a beach.
Sandworm at the Wenduine dunes, Belgium. |
It was there only for
one summer. Are most of your artistic projects temporary?
Quite often yes. Some stay, but many of them are not even meant to stay.
Temporary is an interesting quality. It seems to allow architecture
much more freedom and psyche than a totally controlled, a totally fixed
building. Tarkovsky’s Stalker says that strength is death’s companion –
whatever comes stiff and strong will die. In this sense architecture must be
pliant and weak, like a willow. It doesn’t help much if you are meant to “last
forever”, but you are dead from the beginning.
For example cities are alive, they are collective human organism and
also expressions of collective mind. But we treat them as something designed,
regulated and controlled – expressions of mechanical human control, industrial
laziness. This is a fundamental mistake and the source of stress and
pollution. As architects, we don´t know
how to negotiate with the collective mind, and we definitely don’t try – we are
cheap. We have shifted away from nature, including human nature. We have become
pollution, death’s companions…